CrossLab — Sensory Shopping

Investigating the power of senses, shopping and new media

Links for the coming projects.

Posted by arno -- CrossLab on April 15, 2008

You all might be wondering aside from simple technologies how you might use new media in your project concepts.

Here’s a couple of links to some interesting things I’ve come across:

Directional sound. This company has discovered that by using white noise you can direct sound to specific spots, where only the sound can be heard on that location. It is used mostly in libraries, where public announcements can occur in a small area, and not disturb the rest of the reading public (shhh).

Maggie Orth. The original interactive textiles developer. Dr. Orth studied at MIT where much of her work was in tactile textiles, allowing for the integration of computers, sensors and circuits, into interactive fabrics. A pioneer who has inspired many people including Joey Berzowska, Di Mainstone, and Marina Toeters.

Hans Laube. The inventor of Smell-o-Vision, a 60s phenomenon where odor was released during a movie viewing. A great idea way before its time. And it was only used once.

Simon Heijdens. Light, nature and moving images are the inspiration for much of what this London based, Dutch designer works with. Of particular interest is the moving wallpaper…use of circuits and temperature sensitive paint create a series of changing patterns on the wall. Of particular interest is the temperature sensitive paint

Hypercolor….a blast from (my) past. Does anyone else remember these? The worst part was the color the shirt became when you washed it in too hot water.

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